Allnic - Clarity Made Simple
Shining light across and revealing all the features and colors of favorite aural landscapes: above all, Allnic equals clarity and illumination.

Providing support for digital audio the last few months has made me appreciate the Allnic vacuum tube product line more than ever. The Allnics provide clear evidence that well-designed tube gear can be innovative yet remain simple to operate and maintain, and provide all the transparency, delicacy and power that the best of both analogue and digital sources can deliver.
I attribute this in part to genuine point-to-point wiring and circuit design that does not over-tax the Allnic factory supplied new production and new old stock (NOS) tubes. Allnic tubes rarely glow bright, most often remaining subtle, noticed only late into the night. KS Park’s remarkably well-engineered circuit designs can deliver greater drive at lower current without sacrificing dynamics and, instead, reduce distortion and unveil detail that previously went unnoticed in familiar recordings. Tubes, modern and NOS, tend to last a very long time – often for the duration of long-term ownership.
As for simplicity, one great feature on the Allnic power and integrated amps is the individual bias trim feature, combined with easy to read and highly accurate analog current meters (the now famous Allnic trademark).

This pair of easy-to-use tools negate the requirement for matched pairs of power tubes and provide simple, no noise inducing monitoring and setting of power tube bias. Interestingly, even in those circuits without the manual trim feature, including those for all the Allnic preamplifiers, tubes do not need to be matched; tubes are run at specifications that do not require it and provide perfect channel balance. In the preamps, the current meters will always show if there is a tube that is not biasing properly, making maintenance simple.
Speaking of innovation, Allnic’s motorized constant impedance attenuator, an unmatched world’s first, provides see-through soundscapes that retain channel balance, linear response, detail, dynamics and drive at all volume levels.

World’s first constant impedance attenuator!
In 2021, all these features, and more, culminated in the T-2000 30th Anniversary KT170 Integrated Amplifier, and reviews and customer feedback make that perfectly clear.

For just one example, MichaelHIFI at Audiocircle offers his perspective on the presence of the CIA in his T-2000 30th Anniversary:
The constant impedance attenuator (CIA) volume control:
Oftentimes, I’ll turn the stereo on and immediately become focused on the music. What I’ll discover is that the volume control is low on the dial. Initially I was surprised by this. I know that is one of the strengths of the Allnic 30th. I will tell you that it is the real deal.
In essence, MichaelHIFI discovered that the CIA preserves detail, dynamics and soundstage regardless of volume setting – no small achievement. He goes on to say, more generally:
The sound:
I’ll start off by saying that if you walked into the room blindfolded and I had you guess tube or solid state, you might have a hard time guessing. Early on, to me, I might have guessed pure class A high end integrated. It is a smooth sweet operator, but it seems to possess Porsche speed. Its delivery can be sudden and explosive with leading edge transients that defy a tube presence. Notes trail deep into the noise floor which is the quietest I’ve heard. And depending on which combination of cables and settings the amount of retrieval was astonishing. What the Allnic told me was that the May DAC can blossom into full potential.

Pro reviewers agree – completely. The first two in are from PTA (Part-Time Audiophile) and Poland’s High Fidelity. PTA awarded the T-2000 30th Anniversary an Editor’s Choice Award, and in his review, Marc Phillips’ pointed out, among other things, that the T-2000’s triode/tetrode options effectively give the owner two (2) amps for the price of one!
In essence, the Allnic Audio T-2000 isn’t just a great-sounding integrated amplifier. It’s two great-sounding integrated amplifiers. Now that $13,900 is starting to sound like a bargain, at least to me.
Mr. Phillips concludes, in part:
I’ve heard only a handful of integrated amplifiers that I’ve reviewed that come anywhere close to the sonic performance of the Allnic Audio T-2000. They’re all in the same ballpark pricewise. It’s a mix of valves and resistors among these champions, to be sure, but none of them sound like solid-state nor tubes. They’re merely so close to that ultimate truth, and so linear in response, and so meticulous about the frequency extremes, that they just exist in harmony with your favorite music. I know I had everything I needed with each of these amplifiers in the chain.
And so is earned a PTA Editor’s Choice Award – Full review here:

Marek Dyba of High Fidelity has written a comprehensive and insightful review of the T-2000 30th Anniversary. His rigorously achieved observations agree with those of the above noted, and you can read them in their entirety, in English, at:
Just for example, Mr. Dyba remarks:
He [Kang Su Park of Allnic Audio] created an amplifier, that for many people, may be the (so-called) last one they’ll ever need, even in their truly high-end systems.
Not only does its high output allow it to drive most loudspeakers, but with it we get, in a sense, two amplifiers in one chassis. I mean, obviously, two selectable output stage modes, both excellent, both sonically different enough to be used depending on your preferences, mood, or the music being played. The T-2000 30th Anniversary offers a refined, resolving sound, extracting a huge amount of information from the best recordings, skillfully using them to weave colorful, extremely coherent, fluid, engaging, if not addictive musical stories.

What can I add? Only this... for the price of a mid-level Allnic line-stage preamplifier, the T-2000 30th features the 61-step constant impedance attenuator, powerhouse KT-170 tubes, and on-the-fly switching between triode and tetrode modes. Compact for such a powerful integrated amp and providing outstanding
⦁ dynamics
⦁ bass drive
⦁ resolution
⦁ soundstage
⦁ and aesthetically appealing industrial design
The T-2000 30th Anniversary also saves space and reduces cable loom complexity, enhancing its owner’s system with competitive sound, at lower cost, relative to some of the absolute best separates available.
To inquire about the T-2000 30th Anniversary Integrated Amplifier, please contact me here at Kevalin Audio, and if you’re in Canada, Corby’s Audio, at the coordinates below.

Also, as always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of us to discuss purchasing an Allnic product for the first time or moving up the Allnic product line – quality trades are always welcome!
Kevalin Audio
Corvallis, Oregon
Website link: Kevalin Audio
Email or call John Ketcham:
Tel: +1 503–292–5592
Corby’s Audio
Freelton, Ontario
Website link: Corby’s Audio
Email or call Don Corby:
Tel: +1 905.689.1976
Toll free: 1.877.689.1976
Hammertone Audio (Allnic North American Distributor) – We do trades!
Kelowna, BC
Website link: Hammertone Audio
Email or call David Beetles:
Tel:+1 250.826.6872