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  • Expounding on the Referece EXT series, the Reference PLUS was introducted in short succession. This unit benefits by integrating new filtering processes and depending on the digital format, different technologies are applied, noting the different bays on the chassis. HDMI was proven to be the most complex and USB the second most complex implementation. The implication is profound and so far the best poistion is from the WAN or LAN just before the audiophile grade chain of equipment begins.


    “More playing around... Ref Plus is better than daisy chained References. How to describe it... everything a pair of Refs do but more "drive"(immediacy?), "Attack", "richness" of harmonic structure of every instrument, separation of instruments and voices but keeping "musicality" - I've never had such a sense of musicians, stage, alive in front of me - 'like in the studio' says my drummer friend. And without that fake sounding digital air that so many digital systems have and seems exciting because the air is constantly vibrating in the room. With the Waversa with the addition of the Ref Plus the air in the room is alive with the vibrations of the instruments' wood, wire, brass - with the breathing presence of the vocalist(s). Absolutely lovely. Use the short Waversa cable for best result. 👍👍👍


    A single original isolator is a lovely enhancement; a single Reference builds on that, providing more air separation, stage, articulate bass; daisy chained References more than double those effects, opening up and enlivening everything; the Plus is transformative.


    And we have to talk about the HDMI, too!” Gerry S.


    Read more here!




    ”The Reference plus is amazing!


    Somehow it removes 'digital' distortion (that I didn't hear before) ... increased tonal purity, lower noise floor and a real 3-D “


    Damien A.


    The EXT series does have a multiday break-in period to optimal performance.  For this reason, a 30-day trial period is offered for the Waversa EXT series.


    These units are built to order.  Version 2 is released which allows for higher data speeds.


    $14,250.00 Regular Price
    $9,950.00Sale Price
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